

The RAWR Corps is open to any application as long as there are open slots and the applicant acknowledges and agrees to the Operations and Conduct from above. Although there is an in-game army system with the possibility of creating applications there, the actual process needs to be done here on this website to guarantee that we've a way of staying in contact with every army member outside of the game, as well as that everyone is aware of the website and has access to the forum for internal discussions.


Creating an application is as easy as filling out the Registration Form. Make sure to write a small except on your personal play style and why you'd like to join the RAWR Corps. To protect you and ourselves we're asking for the birth year, thus please fill it out truthfully. To make everyone's life easier you have to use your in-game nickname for the application.

After you've filled out sent off the application form, you'll receive an e-mail informing you of the pending state of your application. In a next step an officer and/or the Commander will take a look at your details and if there are open questions contact you in-game. If everything seems in order, you'll receive yet another e-mail confirming your accession.


For a functioning army it's important to have an active user base, thus if inactive users start to block army slots, they'll sooner than later get removed from the army. The process for a removal is as follows:

After one month of inactivity: The RAWR Corps member will receive an inactivity notification e-mail.

After two month of inactivity and no reply to the e-mail: The RAWR Corps member gets removed from the army.

Long-time members (6+ month) have the option give a heads up to their inactivity, thus granting them a longer off time.

Personal matters and special cases can always be discussed with the army leadership.


The RAWR Corps leadership remains the right to expel someone from the RAWR Corps at anytime. This is to protect the army and not to have a backdoor for randomly kicking people. An expulsion needs to be discussed with the majority of the leadership first and it's required to give a reason as to why. Discussion around the decision should always be kept in private and the necessary steps will get applied to remove such from public places.


For any questions feel free to contact us via e-mail, TeamSpeak 3, IRC or Twitter (@RAWR4Firefall).