Posted on 2016-09-26 11:09

Hello and welcome to the 187th Devtracker Weekly Round Up!
By terricon4 via Reddit
It's been about a week since the last devtracker weekly round up so this probably comes as no surprise that another one is being posted, but you wanna know what will come as a surprise? Nothing, there is absolutely nothing to talk about this week. Even less than last week. And at this point I'm sure that comes as no surprise to any of you. There has been nothing of note on the forums, no big events in Firefall itself except maybe that short outage on Tuesday, and nothing here on Reddit. Seriously, all week long not one new thread, this will be back to back Devtracker posts on the front page it looks like.
So ya, till next week everyone, here's to hoping you have something else to occupy your time.